Artikelen door admin


When it’s new moon, the stars shine brighter In moondays 8 dancers (Muda Gent) completely dive into the different cycles and dynamisms of the moon. Every dancer seeks personal associations with the moon to connect to and create movement material with. Eventually an alternating rhythm arises in the distance and close by, just like the […]

Diep verdwaald

caution, peer pressure!   An enthusiastic group of youngsters experience their very first steps in contemporary dance during diep verdwaald. I guided and helped them to create movement to express their indignation and strong feelings about bullying. A topic very close to each and every one of them. This results in a piece of choreography […]

Beautiful Self – research

cognition is embodied; you think with your body, not only with your brain   Amazed by how much our life is influenced by our self image, I decided to research how we estimate and asses this self image. We are getting flooded with images, perfect images, that set our perception and causes insecurity about our […]


Ochtend. Middag. Avond. Nacht. Dagbreek. Ochtend. Dagbreek originated from the fascination for the rhythms and cycles within nature and the human body, which are interconnected. Together with dancer/choreographer Yentl de Werdt I invited the audience to reflect on endlessness and to keep observing, to keep watching and to keep looking for the transitions within a […]